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Do you lead a healthy lifestyle and would like an all natural product that can easily help your body to naturally detoxify?

Would you like a powder that can be used for many purposes within the body and around the house?

This versatile Powder has a number of benefits, including:

- Heat treated over 1000 °C to activate the bamboo for a potent powder.

- Can be mixed with water to form a natural detoxification drink to help the body cleanse and eliminate toxins.

- Mix with water and apply to the face for an all natural face mask that can reduce the appearance of acne.

- Very effective on offensive odors from materials.

- When mixed with water, it can be used to remove about 87% of chemical residues in fruits and vegetables.

If you're looking for the best Bamboo Charcoal Powder that can be used in a range of body and household applications, "Buy It Now"

Activated Bamboo Charcoal Powder (100 Grams)

SKU: BB9189
$20.00 Regular Price
$9.75Sale Price





    • HEAT ACTIVATED CHARCOAL; heat treated powder of up to 1000°C so as to get activated charcoal for a potent natural charcoal powder for use within the body and around the home.
    • NATURAL DETOXIFICATION; mix the bamboo charcoal powder with water to form a natural detoxification drink to help in cleansing the body thoroughly. It is very effective in eliminating toxins from the gut, gas in the stomach at a hot toxic antidote to nausea fever.
    • FACE MASK; mix with water and apply to the face for an all natural face mask that can reduce the appearance of acne, rashes, and pain. Activated bamboo charcoal does wonders to deeply cleanse and detoxify. Drawing impurities and toxins from deep within your pores with its powerful absorption properties, it gives an amazing deep clean while also naturally and gently exfoliating. Bamboo Charcoal is gentle yet effective, and works especially well to clean and care for oily, combination, and blemish-prone skin types. A natural charcoal powder, for the natural beauty of the body.
    • TOOTHPASTE; add bamboo charcoal powder to a wet toothbrush and brush as normal. It will remove brown stains from your teeth and reduce bad breath (mouth odor).
    • ELIMINATE ODORS; absorbs electromagnetic waves and effectively remove offensive odors from containers, furniture, cabinets, refrigerators, room air.
    • FRUIT AND VEGETABLE WASH; when mixed with water, the multipurpose natural charcoal powder can be used to wash fruits and vegetables clean, removing up to 87% of chemical residues!
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